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Using incredible experience to produce Checker Mat, Hollow Mat, Half Pin Mat, Waves Pin Mat, Butterfly Pin Mat, etc.
Adens Rubber Industries is a well-known company in the Indian market which started its business operations in 2008. The company specializes in manufacturing rubber floorings such as Welcome Pin Mat, Half Round Pin Mat, Hollow Mat, Checker Mat, Rectangular Pin Mat, etc. All these floorings are made up of natural rubber & recycled rubber which are eco-friendly, biodegradable and recyclable. These rubber mats are generally used in outdoor walkways, bathrooms, offices, homes, ramps, vehicles and other such areas.
With over a decade experience, innovation and our commitment to excellence has allowed us to develop the products in accordance with the industrial standards. Our mats are meticulously designed to provide safety, comfort and protection in each step. Over the period of time, we have become a trusted manufacturer and supplier in the industry.
Our company is not just a manufacturer but also a perfect partner for availing superior quality rubber mats. We strive to contribute towards the success of our clients businesses and want to become their reliable partner in growth.
Reasons to Choose Us
There are several reasons to choose Adens Rubber Industries as the preferred provider of rubber mats:
- We have been working in this industry since 2008 which signifies our years of experience & great knowledge.
- We make use of eco-friendly materials and methods to minimize the environmental footprints.
- While maintaining high standards in our product line, we offer our products at competitive pricing.
- We work in adherence to the industrial standards and guidelines to ensure that our products meet the safety & performance standards.
Quality of Products
The most important aspect of our company which is manufacturing rubber mats is the quality of the mats itself. While manufacturing the mats, we ensure that they are slip resistant, durable and perfect in design. We also ensure that our products like Hollow Mat, Checker Mat, Welcome Pin Mat, Half Round Pin Mat, Rectangular Pin Mat, etc. meet the industry standards of safety and performance. As the quality of the mats depends on the quality of the materials used, we source the raw materials from the authorized vendors of the market. Further, our company implements rigid quality assurance programs before products reach the customers.
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